Panel discussion on nature-based solutions: Can they tackle climate, biodiversity and health challenges?
How can nature be used to address climate change and biodiversity decline and foster human health? Welcome to a panel discussion on nature-based solutions, where actors from social science, natural science and Lund municipality discuss possibilities and challenges of using nature to tackle multiple societal challenges.
Coffee will be served!
For this panel discussion, a diverse panel of actors (social and natural science research, Lund municipality) will discuss the role of Nature-Based Solutions for addressing multiple societal challenges.
- Kristina Fontell, environmental strategist, Lund Municipality
- Karl Magnus Adielsson, environmental strategist, Region Skåne
- Adam Felton, associate professor, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
- Paul Miller, Senior lecturer, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science and Coordinater at MERGE (LU)
- Caroline Hägerhäll, Professor at the Department of People and Society, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
To help the organizers plan the event in the best possible way, please register here: Registration link - survey.mailing.lu.se before 8 April. The event is free of charge.
About Nature-based solutions:
Nature-based solutions involve using nature to tackle societal challenges, like climate change, biodiversity decline, and health challenges.
Examples of nature-based solutions are sustainable use of land, restoration of wetlands and reopening of streams and rivers. It can also be green areas in the cities, and green roofs and rainbeds which, unlike concrete and asphalt, absorb rainwater and thus prevent flooding. At the same time, they offer habitats for many different species and a place for recreation.
Nature-based solutions are actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural or modified ecosystems, that address societal challenges effectively and adaptively, simultaneously providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits.
-The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
The event is organized by the Nature-Based Solutions at the Climate-Biodiversity-Health Nexus research project, conducted at Lund University. The project involves researchers from biodiversity science, ecosystem process understanding, environmental psychology and epidemiology. Read more about the research project at portal.research.lu.se
This event is part of Sustainability Week 2024, an annual event organized in collaboration between Lund University and Lund Municipality. In this year's program April 8-13, you will find lectures, workshops, guided tours, exhibitions, and more.
Om evenemanget
Pufendorf Institute (Hörsalen), Biskopsgatan 3, Lund
The event is targeted at the general public.
In English
carolina [dot] rodriguez [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se