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Panel discussion on nature-based solutions: Can they tackle climate, biodiversity and health challenges?

12 april 2024 10:00 till 11:30 | Föreläsning
Three photos: one of a forrest, one of a green roof and one of a duct. Photo collage.
Left: Fulltofta Nature reserve, Skåne. Upper right: stormwater management infrastructure in Augustenborg, Malmö. Lower right: Green roof in Augustenborg, Malmö.

How can nature be used to address climate change and biodiversity decline and foster human health? Welcome to a panel discussion on nature-based solutions, where actors from social science, natural science and Lund municipality discuss possibilities and challenges of using nature to tackle multiple societal challenges.
Coffee will be served!

Om evenemanget


Pufendorf Institute (Hörsalen), Biskopsgatan 3, Lund


The event is targeted at the general public.


In English


carolina [dot] rodriguez [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se