Re-Presenting Complexity Through Critical Historical Play: undoing the past for sustainable futures with games, interactors, and ‘other’ art-full cultural expressions. Lissa Holloway-Attaway.
Welcome to join us at IAC for this final lecture within the 1, 2, 3 Playtime project. Lissa Holloway-Attaway is Professor in Media Arts, Aesthetics, and Narration in the Division of Game Development within the School of Informatics at the University of Skövde.
Duration: 10:00–10:45 (30min talk, 15min q/a)
Games and other forms of playful engagement with visitors can offer unique interactive experiences to re-present histories and to challenge museums, heritage sites, and gallery spaces.
Through aesthetic re-presentations driven by complexity (viewing history as a dynamic and evolutionary agent of change, for example) and via the design of complex systems that resist static states, games and playful agents offer many creative opportunities to innovate worlds and story-worlds. With reference to her own personal experiences working with interactive digital storytelling, cultural heritage/gallery spaces, Lissa will offer some forward-thinking aesthetic models to create sustainable futures with the past in focus.
Lissa Holloway-Attaway is an Associate Professor in Media Arts, Aesthetics, and Narration in the Division of Game Development within the School of Informatics at the University of Skövde (Sweden). She is the leader for the GAME (“games, art, media, experience”) Research Group, and she teaches in the games and Informatics education, from undergraduate to PhD levels. Her background is in theatre performance, literature, and digital culture/media studies, and she works across many digital media forms, from digital art, to electronic literature, and games, with a focus on socio-cultural systems and user engagement. Her creative and critical work has been published, exhibited and performed in a number of International venues. Her current research is focused on emergent media experiences (AR/VR/MR), interactive digital narrative, sound-based digital interactive experiences, digital cultural heritage games, and environmental feminist posthumanities.
Read more about Lissa Holloway-Attaway –
Find more information about the lecture series 1,2,3 Playtime here.
Om evenemanget
Inter Arts Center, Seminar Room, 4th floor, Bergsgatan 29, Malmö
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In English
margot [dot] edstrom [at] iac [dot] lu [dot] se